October 1, 2017 – Reid Tull


Today we gave wings to our newest and youngest member, and at 14 yrs, one of the youngest ever to achieve their wings. Reid started with his friend (and expert pilot) Terry B. showing him the basics, and then, under the watchful eye of instructor Cecil, progressed quickly. Reid now handles his E-Flite Timber Open link in new window like a pro – on floats & wheels! He is very enthusiastic about the hobby, flies regularly, and is learning fast. Keep an eye on this kid!

Congrats, and happy flying Reid!




August 20, 2017 – Vanessa Lefebvre


(photo by Brad Newstead)

Instructors Steve Dew and Craig Knight presented Vanessa with her wings this morning, having passed her test on a soggy wet field. She’s been practicing all summer, and it shows!

Congratulations Vanessa!




September 28, 2014 – Terry Bariciak


Photo by Peter Smith

Under the expert guidance of Sr. Instructor Cec Marshall (photo left), Terry soon learned and demonstrated his flying prowess with both his electric Apprentice 15E Open link in new window and Cecil’s I.C. powered Kadet LT-40 Open link in new window.

Congratulations Terry! We’ll see you in the gym this winter!

The two Terrys: Mr. Bariciak and Mr. Mortimore (Chief Instructor)





August 5th, 2014 – Brad Newstead


Left to right: Brad, Terry Mortimore (Chief Instructor), Craig Knight (Club President).

Congratulations to Brad, who demonstrates complete mastery of his Kadet Senior Open link in new window – as seen in this ‘picture perfect’ landing recorded a few weeks later.





July 24th, 2014 – Mark Primavera


Mark earned his Wings with an E-flite Radian (which is now discontinued), and is seen below (left) with instructor Terry Mortimore (right). Bravo!

We are very fortunate to have Mark’s superb photos appear on our website from time to time – Keep ‘m coming, Mark!




June 21, 2014 – Amanda Jeffreys


We are especially proud of Amanda  the first new pilot to achieve her “Wings” in 2014 – and the first Soo Modeller (ever!) to do so during a Fun Fly!

Congratulations, Amanda!!!

Seen here with a big smile and flanked by her instructor (and proud father) Meurwyn (left) and chief instructor Terry Mortimore (right).





Craig Knight receiving his Wings

Why is this man smiling? It’s author/President Craig Knight receiving his Wings from Chief Instructor Jim Elgie at the 1978 Annual Awards Banquet at the Royal Hotel.

