Nico McIntosh and Mark Primavera out for some Spring flying along with Craig Knight to check out the action. Nico’s very impressive way of transporting his aircraft. Photos by Mark Primavera
May 16
Photos by Peter Smith
May 29
Photos by Peter Smith
Action in the pits
Nico gets his Kadet Sr”s engine tuned up for a flight.
Nico’s Jug comes in for another perfect landing.
Those Invasion Stripes sure show up well against the blue sky.
Steve’s Morrisey Bravo powered by a Saito gas 4 stroke , sounds and looks real.
The Bravo lands nice with a little bit of flaps.
Nico’s Edge 540 gets lots of air time.
Nice paint scheme Nico!
The Bravo looks good from below also , a classic.
May 30
Photos by Peter Smith
June 13
Photos by Peter Smith
June 20
Enjoying a day at the field with good flying. Photos by Peter Smith